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Employee blog

setsufunju keno improvement

Hello! It is kamechi!
The flowering of the cherry tree was confirmed last week in Tokyo!
When mee went for a walk for a long time yesterday, the bud of the cherry tree swelled out fullCherry tree
As the morning and evening were winter climates, but sunlight became warm in the daytime
It is long in coming that it is springHot faceShiningly
Well, I introduce the episode of the aluminum Manufacturing Department employee today!
 I push forward improvement by the Kaimei copper elongation each in each department.
I will say to decide some theme in a certain study session, and to work on improvement in my department,
I decided a theme to work on by each team. Our team "will think about setsufunju keo where setsufun is not scattered".
 setsufun is the powder which appears when I cut a product.
Various models are to the shape of the aluminum, and the shape which becomes hollow the inside including a corner pipe and the circle pipe,
When I cut it with a cutting machine to the order from customer length, the powder which I cut enters the cavity.
 I pack a pushed product, and our department ships it, but packs it after transferring you with air, and cleaning the cutting powder at the time of packing.
I put corrugated cardboard before and did an air hook, but it was scattered around, and cleaning after the work was serious.
So I began it without powder running out of something being scattered whether an air hook could not injure made setsufunju.
 An opinion to make a bag-like thing was given by everybody. At first, I made it in nylon-based material.
However, there was not air credit well without air falling out even if setsufun could play the air hook without being scattered.
I gave various plans together and repeated failure afterwards.
 And I gathered setsufun which did not a bag-formed hung air if air did not fall out well and did below.
Cleaning became considerably comfortable by putting reputation so that setsufun where I made an air hook below collected.
 However, in after all I wanting the out of powder tray of the bag form,
I brought cloth of the material which only air came out of well without a department being able to go setsufun again and was perfect when I made it in it.
 As I made two kinds of out of powder tray with much effort, I will say to name it what it is,
It is slightly old, but gets the name from "Yasushi, Kiyoshi" of the comedian,
In being all right as receive it in a bottom even if is daring, and do air credit in a type to collect below "Yasushi."
And I named it "Kiyoshi" in one from "a small thing steadily" as setsufun collected in the bag-like type surely.
Cleaning of setsufun which flew, and was in a mess took time, but, thanks to these two out of powder reputation, cleaning after the work became comfortable at all.
The inquiry from this! 
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