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Employee blog

The thing that I bought that is nice by improvement

Hello! It is kamechi!
How did everybody spend time on three holidays?The mark that is a red endThe mark that is a red end
The Kyoto city seems to be full of the Gion festival
I am excited when I think that the season of the festival cameFestival round fanShiningly
The stand seems to appear on a vehicle-free promenade for two days from yesterday, tooThree notes
The which it is moved to by car as there is traffic regulation, please be carefulThe face which I was embarrassed by
Well, I add an introduction about the improvement of the Planning Division employee today!
 I talk about an improvement method together, and I wrestle to shorten it in time for work.
I want to introduce some content that I worked on in that.
 To the product which I was in charge of outside order duties of the alumite, but went to the aluminum factory every morning, and returned from the alumite point
I go to write packing contents or a deadline on the product label.
I ask toward the preparation of the aluminum factory when "I want you to hurry this".
But it is hard to see a character ... that it is hot in the summer on the site to fill out a product and is cold in winter again,
I thought with "... that the on-site person was hard to run out of a judgment which was in a hurry" and it was what each other, or it was said and thought about a remedy when there was not the method.
<before improvement>
 Therefore I make the thing which what thought can fill in with a packing method, a deadline, weight by laminating,
The person who worked on the preparation by putting it with a magnet beside a palette only saw the side of the palette of the alumite return
I improved the first to be able to do a judgment on processing, a deadline.
<after the first improvement>
The thing to have had you please very much toward the aluminum factory floor, but to want you still to hurry
I thought that it took time though the spot looked for a product and improved the second.
 Laminating is paper of the white, but the urgent thing usually does quality of the deadline on the fluorescence pink paper,
I did the invention that the spot had you find "to have to finish this hastily" at first sight.
As it is the same to write just to have changed the color, I have you please once again toward the preparation,
There was improved result, and this became very glad, too.
<after the second improvement>
 In addition, even if a heat and cold difference goes to the severe aluminum factory expressly and does not fill it out,
As I only went to write it for the laminating in an office, and to put it on the spot, it decreased at time to go in the spot, and the efficiency improved, too.
 It is just one copy of improvement to have introduced, but works every day while finding waste while I work.
I introduced the improvement in the aluminum factory this time, but want to develop it if there is any remedy in the copper elongation factory.
As it is connected by one improvement for shortening at big time by finding even shortening a lot at the time of several minutes,
Oneself will do improvement becoming easy from now on.
The inquiry from this! 
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